- Film production: MGH.
- Writer: Manuel Denegri.
- Logline: the story of a boy that has bad luck all day long.
- Intended audience demographic: fourteen year-old.
- Suggested time slot: the whole day (morning, daytime, late night, etc.).
- Episode length: maximum of 5 minutes.
- Genre: black comedy.
- What are we going to do? A boy wakes up one school day and he has a lot of bad luck (we’re going to film all the bad experiences that he suffers).
- Where are we going to film? In St. George’s College and Honorio’s house.
- Why are we doing this film? It’s an IB work.
- What do we need? All the necessary things for making the film (for example cameras, lights, software and computer for edit).
ow ow ow