lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Production Journal

Last week we start with filming. We met on the Monday 22nd and the Tuesday 23rd August in Ramiro's house and we really work.
We went to the street and filmed specific shots, various interviews, etc.. The filming continued irregularly till Saturday 27th, when I film my known cop.
Although the problems that usually happen, occur (like for example a video was magically deleted), we are progressing.

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Production Journal

Basically, in the week during the Monday 8/8 and the Friday 12/7, our organized work consisted on that Santos with Ramiro's and mine help (we both did the location list, which is all clear for visiting those places in the future, for making shots or interviews), finished the shot list. However, both lists can be affected and changed due to whatever it happens when filming.

Other information:
- Because of the weather, I couldn’t meet the cop I know. However, I’m going to contact him via-cell phone for interviewing him.
- Ramiro's camera will be ready.
- Also, we have done some researches for robberies videos in

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

Production Journal

- Confronting a problem: Ramiro Villegas's cop's possible disappearance.
- Further solutions: the cop I know? I will try to contact him immediately (on saturday, where I play football soccer with him).
- More points to cover: more through research (still shots, newspaper articles, statistics, etc).

Decision (final one/s) over the locations of shooting

Narrator: should there be a voice-over or talent pushing the documentary forwards? Or just visual artifacts?
Final decision: at least a voice-over, to give a more dynamic and interactive documentary flow.

Other objective: start of shooting (during weekend or day of the week. Especially artistic scenes.

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Quentin Tarantino

1) Two distinctive features of his films are that, for example, he makes really very sudden violent scenes, with lots of murders and blood. And also, his movies are humorous, clever, and with the presence of quick dialogues.
2) He learned by being a video clerk (therefore not as a film-school student).
3) Because they claimed that he produced many unnecessary aggressive images, and due to that they only focus on criticize him for a supposed plagiarism.
4) Crime Thriller
5) POV: makes the audience feel as a character. Pulp Fiction image of when Marsellus wakes up after being hit by Butch's car.
Low-angle shot: shows Jules and Vincent (in Pulp Fiction) opening the trunk of the car searching for weapons. The viewer gets curious about what's inside the trunk.
Extreme close-up: focuses the viewer to concentrate in the mouth and what it says. Mia's lips in Pulp Fiction.

6) The 'mirror shot' represents the other face/side, the "double" of the character, by the reflection in the mirror.
Here, an example: Vincent in Pulp Fiction.

7) a) The name given to a shot showing a situation where more than two characters point each other with guns.
b) It was invented by an italian-american film director called Sergio Leone in the movie 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', a classic from 1966 and one of Tarantino's favorites.
Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.
8) c)